What We Do

The Human Trafficking Industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that is plaguing our society.  It is second only to the Drug Industry.

There are currently a projected 27 million victims of human trafficking worldwide.

Florida is ranked #3 in the United States for the number of calls received to the National Hotline.  Here in beautiful Southwest Florida, you’d be surprised to learn that we are a hot spot for activity, and an easy corridor to transport victims.  This is happening right under our noses!

So, what can we do about this devasting and crippling human rights injustice?

Our Response is Based on these Four Pillars


We work towards ​REDEEMING ​our ladies’ sense of self-worth.  We want to speak the truth of who they are in Christ and not the lies they have been told.  By providing avenues through mentorship, discipleship and biblical counseling we begin the road to healing.   We offer Bible study and weekly support groups where they have the opportunity to share, learn from other survivors and get one-on-one mentoring and mental health counseling.


We strive to RESTORE​ childhood dreams and what has been stolen from these victims. Dreams are renewed through finding their purpose and personal career coaching.  We are committed to helping them understand what they want to do and how a new life is possible.  By helping them look at education, employment and social & economic goals, we offer them new ways to establish the life they wantWe do this through tutoring, scholarship opportunities, work study programs and gaining important tools volunteering within our ministry.


We provide survivors with the resources that they need to better their lives and the lives of their children. Starting with basic needs from a hot meal to hygiene bags or a safe place to rest at our Drop-In center. We also offer rent assistance to qualified individuals. Safe housing and/or help with finding a suitable program are also offered. Parenting partnerships are available to individuals with children. We believe that a two-generation approach helps to break the cycle of trauma.

Basic life skills classes are offered weekly to ensure these skills are addressed and survivors are prepared to build a healthy lifestyle.  We tailor our classes to encompass basic skills, household management, finances, physical activity, art therapy, music and fun.


We aim to help them break the chains of sexual abuse and slavery. When healing happens the cycle of trauma stops. We desire to empower our survivors to reach their goals. Our goal is not only mental empowerment, but also economic and spiritual empowerment.

We offer a Work Study Program in our upscale resale boutique, the Fig Leaf, where survivors can practice important work skills in a safe and structured environment over the course of a six month program.  We also offer survivor leadership and internship opportunities.  We are teaching business development within ITJ to make t-shirts, mugs, necklaces and more. We hope this will develop an entrepreneurial mindset which will assist them in securing their future.

Our approach is holistic, survivor-centered, trauma-informed and biblically based.  A holistic approach looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. The support ​should​ also consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. One that is trauma-informed and based on the truth’s found in God’s word.  TraumaInformedPractice is a strengths-based framework grounded in an understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of ​trauma​, that emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for everyone, and that creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment (Hopper et al., 2010) …

All services are offered free of charge to women (ages 18+) who are victims of sexual exploitation, sex trafficking or currently engage in sex work (strip clubs, prostitution, escort services, online services, etc).  We strive to give them a safe place to come, to be loved and to be shown grace.  We work in the community with other organizations to provide the best course of care and assistance in each area of the woman’s life.